
Age Verification

Age Verification is a mandatory policy that applies in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. It is a condition of the Licensing Act 2003 that all licensed premises have an Age Verification policy in relation to the sale and supply of alcohol. The aim of this course is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding of issues surrounding age verification to allow them to comply with the law. This course relates to all sectors of the licensing industry and is suitable for learners in Scotland, England and Wales.

Course details

Duration: 30 mins

Course type: eLearning

Number of candidates: 1 per licence

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the law on age verification for alcohol sales
  • Awareness of the age verification policy and procedures
  • Recognise the acceptable forms of ID
  • Understand how to refuse a proxy sale of alcohol
  • Be aware of managing conflict and common high-risk scenarios
  • Outline what an Age Verification Policy should include
  • State the consequences of failing to implement an Age Verification Policy
  • Identify who should be asked for proof of age
  • Use effective communication to request proof of age
  • Deal appropriately with potential conflict situations when refusing a sale

Who needs this qualification?

All employees working in a capacity to sell or supply alcohol.

Why is this training important?

This course will help employees meet their responsibilities under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (the Act) and Licensing Act 2003 and contribute to minimizing the risk of alcohol-related harm.

Assessment type

Upon completion of the course, learners will complete an end of learning assessment consisting of 20 questions.

70% of the questions will need to be answered correctly in order to pass and receive a certificate.

eLearning is purchased on an individual cost per licence basis and one licence is needed per candidate that you require to be trained. Licences can be pre purchased as part of one of our bundles. To view our bundles visit our Training page.