Policy and Documents modules

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Start saving money, time and hassle today.

Our Policy and Document modules work brilliantly together to help you take complete control of your key internal documents, saving you time, money and a whole lot of hassle.

From ensuring employees have access to the most up-to-date policies, to instantly finding the information you need, to easily controlling access across your business, you can do it all and so much more.

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Love all of this - Policy module

  • Manage with ease

    Centrally store and manage all your policies and procedures, making life much easier.

  • Control all access

    Easily set which documents each site or brand can access from your centralised storage.

  • Provide evidence quickly

    Instantly provide enforcement officers and local authorities with policies and procedures.

Love all of this - Documents module

  • Keep staff up-to-date

    Simply ensure that all employees have access to the very latest internal documents.

  • Find data fast

    Easily search through your documents to quickly find the information you need.

  • Protect all documents

    Keep all your internal documents safe and secure in protected central storage area.

Smart software

Save time

Our Policy and Document modules make it far easier for you and your colleagues to store, manage and access important information. Literally, they can save you working days throughout the year.

Save money

Boxes and boxes of paper. Expensive printer ink and repairs. Those really stingy paper cuts. Say goodbye to them all by storing and managing all you internal docs on our Policy and Documents modules.

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No excuses

By storing all your important documentation in one digital location, your team members will never have to spend extra time looking for what they need or be able to say they couldn’t find key information.

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Complete control

If an enforcement officer is going to visit you, the last thing you want to be doing is scrambling around for the documents they want. So take control. Start using our Policy and Documents modules today.

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Easy data access

Keeping a record of all your internal documents is often a huge headache. There are always piles of paper to store and trawling through them all to find the information you need is usually painful.

But with our Policy and Documents modules all this hassle is taken away instantly. Every document is safely stored on our cloud-based servers. Smart technology you can instantly access and quickly search through to get what you need.

Multiple site management

What’s especially clever about our Policy module is that you can determine which policies and procedures a particular site or brand have access to.

This makes the management of important information across a large organisation with multiple locations and businesses much easier, giving you the freedom to focus on your main priority – your customers.

How your business benefits in a nutshell

Team members

  • Employees know where to find all important internal documentation
  • Documents can be easily provided to visiting enforcement officers
  • Intuitive design makes it simple for employees to use the module
  • A range of terms can be used to search through documents


  • Centrally store and manage policies and procedures for an entire business
  • Easily upload any new documents, keeping all staff up-to-date, always
  • Save time and money by using our logical and efficient software
  • Enjoy peace of mind that your key internal documents are safe and secure

Got a question or need some further guidance?

Please give us a call on 0161 967 1616 or use the button below to complete the form. We’ll get back to you straightaway.

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