Why store your training records online?

Whether you’re a small organisation or a large, multi-site business, workplace training is a legal requirement. Being able to effectively demonstrate that your employees are trained and to what standard, is a must, particularly across multiple locations. Accurate records of training within your business will help to ensure effective running of your business and assist you with appraisals, recruitment and training.

For these records to add value and contribute to your organisation, you need to have a high degree of visibility and good maintenance of data. Effectively managing this information is the tricky part. Paper records are incredibly bureaucratic and involve lengthy manual processes. These type of records can make it difficult to make sense of the data and identify trends or areas of weakness, particularly within large multi-site organisations.

So, what’s the resolution? 

The increasing demand for efficiency at every level has brought cloud-based software systems to the forefront. The ability to upload training certification documentation online means that digital copies can be easily found should the need arise or if the paper base copy is lost. This gives you instant access to your training history if you need to produce training records for an insurance claim or Enforcement Officer, to demonstrate competence or even undertake disciplinary action against an employee.

When you’re storing data, don’t forget you must comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) which means that you must keep your employee’s personal data secure, ‘with appropriate technical organisational measures taken to protect the information’. In theory, you must encrypt personal data and protect it with a password, in addition to ensuring physical precautions are taken to keep it safe.

How can Shield Safety Group help?

Tracking training within your business has never been easier. Our Training App – not to be confused with an eLearning platform – is a unique way for you to manage and store all training records for your locations and staff – securely and safely.

The future-proof software allows all of your compliance information to be in one place, so you can rest assured that your training records are in safe hands. By logging into the App, you will instantly be able to identify the training needs of every colleague in your company. What’s more, the system provides alerts to notify you when training is needed so you will know exactly who needs training and what they need to be trained on.

Detailed management reporting helps you quickly identify patterns and trends so preventative measurements can be put into place. The reports function means you can download analytic information as a spreadsheet to manipulate as you see fit, allowing you to demonstrate that all of your colleagues are suitably trained and that you are a compliant business.

The Training App means you will save considerable money on storage space, paper, printing costs and on trainers having to keep administrative spreadsheets tracking who has been trained, in what subject, in what site. Being able to identify coinciding training requirements allows you to plan in advance, hence increasing efficiency of training. Having a logical and efficient system in place means less hours spent on the system so you have more time to focus on other activities in your business.

The centralised location provides an overview of both an individual and organisation’s trainings status. Training courses can be assigned out by job roles or to individuals across all locations, with record of completion being logged and stored in the module, as well as allowing for any certification to be stored against the training record. Location managers can only see data that is applicable to them, whilst division/area managers and head office users can get an overall view. So you can relax knowing you’re in line with the Data Protection Act (1998).

With all of your employees’ training records stored in one place, you can say goodbye to the filing cabinet and hello to quick and easy access.

It’s all well and being you having software systems in place, but are all of your colleagues adequately trained? 

Whether you’re a new business owner or simply seeking the very latest Health and Safety training provision, Shield Safety Group has a wide range of courses spanning multiple topics — helping you to achieve full workplace compliance or boost your own career.

Delivered at our purpose-built training centre in Manchester or at your own location, each course is delivered by an experienced industry expert in a way that makes it as much about fun as it is about learning. We also have eLearning courses through CPL and CIEH for added convenience to give you and your staff the ability to complete essential training in your own time and location.

To find out more about our award-winning software or training opportunities, get in touch today on 0203 740 3744 or visit our homepage.

The information contained in this blog article has been created for marketing purposes and is not official guidance and should not be used as a substitute for official Food Safety, Fire Safety and Health & Safety advice. Shield Safety take no responsibility if the information in the blog article is used to form part of a safety management system or used to form part of any legal or regulatory compliance for your business. For official guidance and to engage with Shield Safety services please do call our team on 020 3740 3744 or email hello@shieldsafety.co.uk.

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