Research conducted by Glass Door revealed that on average, an interview process in the US lasts 22.9 days, and in the UK, an even lengthier, 28.9 days.
Why does the process take so long?
Understandably, you want to make sure you recruit the right person for the job. A bad hire is expensive business. Once you factor in the cost of recruiting a candidate and the cost of removing and replacing that person, if they turn out to be wrong, then it’s not surprising that businesses want to militate against that risk.
Sometimes ‘safeguarding’ against recruiting the wrong person can translate into too much process, over too much time.
Picture this:
You have a difficult role to fill and the candidate market is tight. Finally, after much searching you find the perfect candidate and you see light at the end of the tunnel.
You invite them for an interview, realise they are the perfect fit and put them to the top of your shortlist (consisting of one). Just a few people to meet, a presentation to deliver, an interview with HR, a personality test, and a business plan to submit. A formality really……
Suddenly the impetus is gone. Diaries and schedules clash, administration takes over and the candidate struggles to get take time of work to meet all the decision makers in the hiring process. And before you know it, your brilliant candidate becomes lost in the over-processed selection machine and they start to question whether the company wants them after all.
Whether you’re the Hiring Manager or work in HR, regardless of the size of your business, whenever you miss out on the ideal candidate due to a cumbersome recruitment process, it costs you money. Not to mention the damage it causes to your employment brand.
What can be done?
The bigger the organisation, the longer the recruitment cycle – this is no surprise, considering the complexity of administrative policy, growing bureaucracy, layers of candidate assessment, screening and reviews – which let’s not forget, are all there to help identify the best candidates.
The increase in length of recruitment processes seems set to stay. The multiple layers of candidate screening and benchmarking exercises are in place to identify the top talent in a very competitive market; but there are ways of being effective and streamlining the process.
To find the best talent, a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work. People and organisations come in all shapes and sizes. The challenge is to develop an attraction and recruitment process, that is both robust and flexible.
Easy to say, hard to do
At Shield Safety Resourcing, we work hard to simplify the recruitment process for our clients, giving you access to the candidates you need.
Contact us today by emailing or calling 0161 967 9671 to speak to a member of our dedicated Resourcing Team.
The information contained in this blog article has been created for marketing purposes and is not official guidance and should not be used as a substitute for official Food Safety, Fire Safety and Health & Safety advice. Shield Safety take no responsibility if the information in the blog article is used to form part of a safety management system or used to form part of any legal or regulatory compliance for your business. For official guidance and to engage with Shield Safety services please email or call our team on 020 3740 3744.