Get your certification sorted with the Registry module

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Stay completely in control of all your legal documentation.

Overwhelmed by all the legal certification you need to keep and maintain? With our easy-to-use Registry module, we make life far easier for you.

It allows you to say goodbye to physical paperwork, printing, filing and lost certificates, and gives you instant access to all your critical documents with the touch of a button.

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Love all of this

  • Manage with ease

    Centrally view and manage all your certification, saving you lots of time, money and hassle

  • Enjoy great flexibility

    Tailor the module for each of your locations and easily update the same item across all locations

  • Find information fast

    Instantly find out when your last statutory inspection, service visit or certification was completed

  • Keep staff up-to-date

    Ensure all relevant team members are alerted when your next inspection or certification is due

  • Prevent issues escalating

    Automatically receive flags that tell you if a due date has passed and something is out-of-date

  • Provide evidence quickly

    Easily provide visiting local authority officers with certificates, preventing potential legal problems

Power controls

Staying on top of legal certification when you’ve got multiple sites can be hugely painful. Or it was until we created our Registry module.

Bespoke brilliance

Got to manage a wide range of certification across different locations? No worries. Our Registry module can be tailored for each of your sites, making life much more simple.

Bulk updates

Need to update the same information across multiple locations? With our Registry module it’s a cinch. Just a few taps here and a bit of info there and away you go.

Save time

Because you’ll never need to spend hours searching for paperwork or have to constantly keep an eye on renewal dates, you’ll have more time to focus on your main priority – your customers.

Save money

With our Registry module, you’ll no longer need as many filing cabinets, be able to say goodbye to expensive printing costs and slash the amount of paper use. The perfect recipe for huge savings.

Stay legal, always

Does a visit from a health and safety inspector bring you out in a cold sweat? Want to feel completely confident you’ve got the legal certification you need and it’s all up-to-date? Then look no further than our Registry module.

It’s a brilliant legal safety net that means you’ll never have to worry about misplacing a legal certificate again. Plus, having this module in your armoury also shows that you really care about being compliant and doing your best for your customers.

Easy data access

Keeping a record of and managing statutory certification is often a huge headache. There are always piles of documents to store and trawling through them to find the information you need is usually painful.

But with our Registry module all this hassle is taken away instantly. Every certificate and other critical document you receive can be safely uploaded to our cloud-based servers. Smart technology you can easily access and quickly search through to get what you need.

How your business benefits in a nutshell

Team members

  • Instantly informed when inspections or safety visits are due
  • All certification is available to view in a central location
  • Far less paperwork for everyone in the business
  • Intuitive design makes it simple for employees to use the module


  • Much easier to manage certification across multiple locations
  • Module can be tailored to the needs of each location
  • Alert triggered if something becomes out-of-date and needs sorting
  • Saves valuable time, allowing managers to focus more on customers

Policy and Document modules included for free

Don’t forget that when you buy our Registry module you also get our Documents and Policy modules for free. Nifty software that’ll simplify your paperwork in no time at all, saving you lots of time and money.

Policy module

Upload your policies and procedures and give team members, managers, enforcement officers and local authorities easy access to what’s relevant to them.

Documents module

Fancy a massive filing cabinet that’s super easy to search? That’s pretty much what our Documents module is. Perfect for storing and browsing all your internal documents.

Got a question or need some further guidance?

Get in touch using the button below to complete the form. We’ll get back to you straight away.

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